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TWIN LOTUS Herbaliste Matcha Green Tea and Peach Toothpaste 5.29 oz/ 150 g. (Pack of 6)



  • 100% Authentic Japanese Matcha has been meticulous since shade cultivation, hand harvesting of tea leaf, selecting only tender bud tea and grinding by stone tea grinder, and rich in important substances are "Catechin" helps to reduce acid in the oral cavity to protects against tooth decay.
  • Oral Microbiome Rebalancing Technology from Japan that targets only the bacteria that are the cause of oral diseases.
  • Korean Peach extract helps to reduce accmulation of bacteria and bad breath effectively.
  • The Nanocrystals of Hydroxyapatlte help strength teeth by promotion enamel repair through calcium remineralization, limiting enamel loss and block the exposed dentin tubules that cause sensitivity and pain.



  • Use daily, Brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal or at least twice a day.



  • 2.97 lb.




TWIN LOTUS Herbaliste Matcha Green Tea & Peach Toothpaste 5.29 oz. (Pack of 6)

SKU: CH-101011050

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